Jake and the Dynamo Tonight

I’ve been out for a few days as I’m trying to catch up on things. We’ll see if we can get another review up in the near future.

And, of course, chapter 7 of Jake and the Dynamo will go up tonight at midnight Mountain Time, on schedule.

#Magicalgirl #Art

Featured image: “Magical Girl” by Naussi.

Review: ‘Wish upon the Pleiades’

Wish upon the Pleiades. Written and directed by Shōji Saeki. Studio Gainax, 2015. 12 episodes. Approximately 290 minutes. Not rated. Available on Crunchyroll.

It’s refreshing to see a magical girl series made as recently as 2015 that’s simple and sincere with no traces of so-called deconstruction or irony. The girls never discover that their familiar is conning them, nor that they’re really in hell. Nobody gets mind-raped. And though it does find a flimsy excuse for a swimsuit episode, it even manages to steer clear of the more grotesque side of anime cheesecake. Continue reading “Review: ‘Wish upon the Pleiades’”